A winning combination at MODEX

A winning combination at MODEX

Great show, great visitors and another award!

ELOKON was a first time exhibitor at MODEX but we’ll definitely be back! The event was the ideal platform to meet new contacts in the US market and to showcase our new developments. These included the new extended version of our ELOshield ultra-wideband warning and proximity detection system.

Busy team on a busy booth

Our booth was buzzing! The team was kept very busy throughout the duration of the show with good enquiries and in depth discussions with the many visitors.


Seminar participation

ELOKON MD Alexander Glasmacher was invited to contribute to the seminar programme and he gave some fascinating insights on the topic of

“Applying Innovations in Advanced Driver Assistance-Systems to Material Handling.”

If you would like to know more this is now available to listen to.

ELOshield is a winner

A highlight of the show for us was the MHI Award Ceremony. ELOKON’s ELOshield product was a finalist in the

“Best Innovation of an Existing Product“

category and to our absolute delight we were declared the winner. When accepting the trophy MD Alex Glasmacher said:

Alexander Glasmacher, Managing Director at ELOKON GmbH

"This is an award for the whole team – not just those here today, but for our enginers in Germany, our engineers in Poland, and we thank MHI for this prestigiouis award."

Alexander Glasmacher, Managing Director at ELOKON GmbH

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