ELOKON in the newsMedia coverage of our innovations, awards and industry views
The leading trade media in logistics, material handling and industrial safety regularly feature our solutions, activities and opinions. See the headlines and links to all the articles below.
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We tailor our safety solutions to the needs of our customers—flexibility and safety are our core principles. Also get an overview of our forklift safety and fleet management systems for material handling equipment.
Press contacts
North America
(USA, Canada & Mexico)
ELOKON Inc. Anna Gitlin
ELOKON GmbH Julia Strykova
United Kingdom
ELOKON GmbH Julia Strykova
ELOKON Polska Sp. z o.o. Natalia Szarynska
ELOKON press clippings
Proximity devices improve safety at Audubon Metals
Intralogistics | February 2025 | Language
Neuer internationaler Vertriebsleiter
Intralogistics | December 2019 | Language
Let's talk about safety
Intralogistics | December 2019 | Language
Nachverfolgung in Echtzeit
Intralogistics | December 2019 | Language
Aufgepasst - Stapler unterwegs!
Intralogistics | November 2019 | Language
ELOKON mit neuer Führungsposition
Intralogistics | November 2019 | Language
Andreas Folz został nowym Dyrektorem Sprzedaży Grupy ELOKON
Intralogistics | November 2019 | Language
Andreas Folz appointed as new Sales Director for the ELOKON Group
Intralogistics | November 2019 | Page 3 | Language
Neuer internationaler Vertriebsleiter bei ELOKON
Intralogistics | November 2019 | Language
Major contract for collision avoidance system, award and new sales director for ELOKON
Intralogistics | November 2019 | Language
Lift Trucks Market to Make Great Impact in near Future by 2019-2027
Intralogistics | November 2019 | Language
Folz wechselt zu ELOKON
Intralogistics | November 2019 | Language
Safety Systems Specialist Hires New Sales Director
Intralogistics | November 2019 | Language
Elokon: Folz ist neuer Vertriebsleiter
Intralogistics | November 2019 | Language
Safety System Scoops Up Second UK Award
Intralogistics | October 2019 | Language
Great IMHX and Design4Safety Award for ELOKON
Intralogistics | October 2019 | Language
ELOKON gewinnt Award für Sicherheitssystem
Intralogistics | October 2019 | Language
Dritte große Auszeichnung für das Sicherheitssystem ELOprotect
Intralogistics | October 2019 | Language
Betriebssicherheit - Weiterer Award für ELOKON
Intralogistics | October 2019 | Language
Britischer Logistiker sichert Schmalgänge mit „ELOprotect“
Intralogistics | October 2019 | Language
Schmalgänge mit ELOprotect sichern
Intralogistics | October 2019 | Case Study | Language
ELOKON wins Design4Safety Award
Intralogistics | October 2019 | Page 13 | Language
ELOKON liefert mobiles Personenschutzsystem
Intralogistics | October 2019 | Language
Ensuring safety when humans and automation interact
Intralogistics | October 2019 | Page 15 | Language
Design4Safety Awards Highlight Quest For Excellence
Intralogistics | October 2019 | Language
Safety winners named
Intralogistics | October 2019 | Language
Culina Logistics invests in personnel protection for VNA aisles
Intralogistics | September 2019 | Language
ELOKON makes shortlist for two BITA Awards
Intralogistics | September 2019 | Language
It's safer with ELOKON
Intralogistics | September 2019 | Language
When humans and automation interact
Intralogistics | September 2019 | Language
IMHX exhibitor news: ELOKON
Intralogistics | September 2019 | Language
Culina adds ELOprotect to VNA trucks
Intralogistics | September 2019 | Language
ELOKON Shortlisted for BITA Design4Safety Awards
Intralogistics | September 2019 | Language
It's safer in the warehouse with ELOKON
Intralogistics | September 2019 | Language
IMHX 2019 - Warehouse Safety: ELOKON
Intralogistics | September 2019 | Language
Safe action - where automation and humans interact within a warehouse
Intralogistics | August 2019 | Language
ELOprotect safety systems for Culina Logistics
Intralogistics | August 2019 | Language
ELOprotect safety systems for Culina Logistics
Intralogistics | August 2019 | Language
ELOprotect safety systems for Culina Logistics
Intralogistics | August 2019 | Language
Safety Systems Installed
Intralogistics | August 2019 | Language
Other Voices: Two mega-trends driving forklift safety and productivity
Intralogistics | July 2019 | Language
Other Voices: Two mega-trends driving forklift safety and productivity
Intralogistics | July 2019 | Language
ELOprotect safety systems for Culina Logistics
Intralogistics | July 2019 | language
Other Voices: Two mega-trends driving forklift safety and productivity
Intralogistics | July 2019 | Language
Other Voices: Two mega-trends driving forklift safety and productivity
Intralogistics | July 2019 | Language
Safety vest's embedded detection system protects against pedestrian-forklift collisions
Intralogistics | June 2019 | Language
NFSD supplement: spotlight on forklift safety products
Intralogistics | June 2019 | Language
Nowy Prezes Zarządu ELOKON Polska Sp. z o.o
Machinery Safety | June 2019 | Language
Gefahrenbereiche optimal überwachen
Intralogistics | June 2019 | Language
Make every day national forklift safety day Award for ELOKON
Intralogistics | June 2019 | Language
ELOshield proximity detection system wins Gold Safety Award
Intralogistics | June 2019 | Language
ELOshield Proximity Detection Systems Wins Gold Safety Award
Intralogistics | May 2019 | Language
Spotlight on ... forklift safety products
Intralogistics | May 2019 | Language
Sichere Sache im Lager – Warnsystem für Stapler
Intralogistics | May 2019 | Language
Federal-Mogul stattet Stapler mit Personenschutz von ELOKON aus
Intralogistics | May 2019 | Language
ELOKON Holding has appointed Michał Makaruk as the new CEO of its Polish subsidiary
Intralogistics | May 2019 | Language
Zmiany na najwyższym szczeblu
Intralogistics | May 2019 | Language
Gehörlose Mitarbeiterin ist geschützt durch ELOshield
Intralogistics | May 2019 | Language
Nowy Prezes Zarządu ELOKON Polska Sp. z o.o
Intralogistics | May 2019 | Language
Holding ELOKON GmbH powołał Michała Makaruka na stanowisko nowego Prezesa Zarządu ELOKON Polska
Intralogistics | May 2019 | Language
2018 Product of the Year Winners
Intralogistics | May 2019 | Language
Michał Makaruk is the new CEO of ELOKON Polska
Intralogistics | May 2019 | Language
ELOKON’s new US subsidiary and Gold Award for ELOshield assistance system
Intralogistics | May 2019 | Language
Holding ELOKON GmbH powołał Michała Makaruka na stanowisko nowego Prezesa Zarządu ELOKON Polska
Machinery Safety | May 2019 | Language
Goldmedaille in den USA für ELOshield
Intralogistics | May 2019 | Language
ELOKON Names New CEO for Polish Subsidiary
Intralogistics | May 2019 | Language
ELOKON names new CEO for Polish subsidiary
Intralogistics | May 2019 | Language
Michał Makaruk was named chief executive officer of the company’s Polish subsidiary
Intralogistics | May 2019 | Language
ELOKON Names New CEO for Polish Subsidiary
Intralogistics | May 2019 | Language
Neuer CEO bei ELOKON Polska
Intralogistics | May 2019 | Language
Safety System Specialist ELOKON Names New Poland CEO
Intralogistics | May 2019 | Language
ELOKON Polska ma nowego Prezesa Zarządu
Machinery Safety | May 2019 | Language
ELOshield forklift-pedestrian safety system wins product of the year
Intralogistics | May 2019 | Language
ELOshield Forklift-Pedestrian Safety System Wins Product of the Year
Intralogistics | May 2019 | Language
ELOshield Forklift Pedestrian Safety System wins Product of the Year
Intralogistics | May 2019 | Language
Roboty kolaboracyjne – wytyczne dotyczące bezpieczeństwa wdrożeń i eksploatacji
Machinery Safety | May 2019 | Language
Award-winning pedestrian-forklift safety system
Intralogistics | May 2019 | Language
Nowy Prezes Zarządu ELOKON Polska Sp. z o.o.
Intralogistics | May 2019 | Language
Bezpieczeństwo wózków AGV
Machinery Safety | May 2019 | Language
Global Lift Trucks Market Projections Deliver Positive Revenue Growth during the Period between 2018-2027
Intralogistics | April 2019 | Language
Intralogistics | April 2019 | Language
Smartly Dressed with ELOKON’s Safety Vest
Intralogistics | April 2019 | Language
ELOKON showcases app-based forklift management system
Intralogistics | April 2019 | Language
Logimat w duchu 4.0.
Intralogistics | April 2019 | Language
ELOKON opens U.S. subsidiary in Atlanta
Intralogistics | April 2019 | Language
ELOKON opens U.S. subsidiary in Atlanta
Intralogistics | April 2019 | Language
German lift truck safety system maker opens U.S. subsidiary in metro Atlanta
Intralogistics | April 2019 | Language
ELOKON opens U.S. subsidiary in Atlanta
Intralogistics | April 2019 | Language
Smartly Dressed with ELOKON’s Safety Vest
Intralogistics | April 2019 | Language
Forklift Safety Leader ELOKON Opens Office in Atlanta
Intralogistics | April 2019 | Language
ELOKON, Forklift Safety Technology Leader, opens U.S. Subsidiary in Atlanta
Intralogistics | April 2019 | Language
ELOKON eröffnet US-Tochtergesellschaft in Atlanta
Intralogistics | April 2019 | Language
Doppelwarnsystem im Schuhvertrieb
Intralogistics | April 2019 | Case Study | Language
f+h persönlich: Fragen an unseren Geschäftsführer Alexander Glasmacher
Intralogistics | April 2019 | Language
Forklift Safety Assistance Provider Opens US Subsidiary
Intralogistics | April 2019 | Language
Germany’s Elokon Picks Metro Atlanta for U.S. Subsidiary
Intralogistics | April 2019 | Language
ELOKON opens US subsidiary in Atlanta
Intralogistics | April 2019 | Language
ELOKON opens US subsidiary in Atlanta
Intralogistics | April 2019 | Language
ELOKON setzt Internationalisierungsstrategie fort
Intralogistics | April 2019 | Language
Smartly dressed with ELOKON’s safety vest
Intralogistics | April 2019 | Language
Smartly Dressed with ELOKON's Safety Vest: Multiple technologies protect material handling workers
Intralogistics | April 2019 | Language
ELOKON, Forklift Safety Technology Leader, Opens U.S. Subsidiary in Atlanta
Intralogistics | April 2019 | Language
Intralogistik-Spezialist ELOKON springt in die Staaten
Intralogistics | April 2019 | Language
ELOKON eröffnet US-Tochtergesellschaft in Atlanta
Intralogistics | April 2019 | Language
ELOKON opens U.S. subsidiary in Atlanta
Intralogistics | April 2019 | Language
ELOKON opens U.S. subsidiary in Atlanta
Intralogistics | April 2019 | Language
ProMat 2019 delivers thousands of manufacturing, supply chain solutions
Intralogistics | April 2019 | Language
Lift Trucks Market Expected to Expand at a Steady CAGR Through 2027
Intralogistics | March 2019 | Language
Going above and beyond
Intralogistics | March 2019 | Language
World’s most app-centric forklift fleet management system will debut at ProMAT trade show
Intralogistics | March 2019 | Language
Autonom, schnell und unfallsicher
Intralogistics | March 2019 | Language
ELOKON system manages forklifts with your smartphone
Intralogistics | March 2019 | Language
ELOKON to launch Smartphone-based Forklift Fleet Management and Safety Solutions in U.S.
Intralogistics | March 2019 | Language
ELOKON releases ELOfleet forklift fleet management system as an app-based solution
Intralogistics | February 2019 | Language
Most breakthroughs in the automotive industry impact the MH side of this industry, such as sensors and self-driving options
Intralogistics | February 2019 | Language
ELOKON to Launch Smartphone-based Forklift Fleet Management, other Safety Solutions in U.S.
Intralogistics | February 2019 | Language
Smart-Based Vehicle Access Control
Intralogistics | February 2019 | Language
Gotowi na fabrykę 4.0. Nowocześnie, bezpiecznie i zgodnie z ideą Przemysłu 4.0
Machinery Safety | February 2019 | Language
Smartphone-basiertes FFZ-Flottenmanagementsystem
Intralogistics | February 2019 | Language
Erstmals Staplerflotten per Smartphone managen
Intralogistics | February 2019 | Language
First smartphone-based FFZ fleet management system
Intralogistics | February 2019 | Language
Fleet management via smartphone
Intralogistics | February 2019 | Language
Diese App managt die Staplerflotte
Intralogistics | February 2019 | Language
Erstes Smartphone-basiertes FFZ-Flottenmanagementsystem
Intralogistics | February 2019 | Language
First smartphone based forklift fleet management system on the market - from ELOKON
Intralogistics | January 2019 | Language
ELOKON at LogiMAT 2019
Intralogistics | January 2019 | Language
ELOKON launches world’s first smartphone-based forklift fleet management system
Intralogistics | January 2019 | Language
Smartphone first for forklift fleet management
Intralogistics | January 2019 | Language